
Cells capable to amoeboid locomotion with steady flow of the cytoplasm or occasional eruptions in some groups or amoeboid locomotion involving the extension and retraction of pseudopodia or subpseudopodia with little coordinated movement of the cytoplasm. Cells naked, often with well[1] differentiated glycocalyx. In several groups cells are covered with a tectum or a cuticle. Some groups are testate, i.e. enclosed in a flexible or hard extracellular envelope with one to several pores. Mitochondrial cristae tubular (ramicristate), with few exceptions; mitochondria secondarily reduced to mitochondrion-related organelles (MRO) in archamoebians. Most only reported to be asexual, but sex and life cycles consistent with sex have been reported in Tubulinea, Evosea and Discosea. Many taxa exhibit either sporocarpic or sorocarpic sporulation. Biciliated, uniciliated or multiciliated stages in the life cycle of some taxa; some taxa exhibit reduction of the bikont kinetid to a unikont kinetid.

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• Amorphea [Adl et al., 2012]
•• Amoebozoa [Corliss, 1984; Adl et al., 2012]
••• Lobosa [Cavalier-Smith, 2009]
•••• Tubulinea [Smirnov et al., 2005].
••••• Euamoebida [Lepsi, 1960]
•••••Arcellinida [Kent, 1880]
••••• Leptomyxida [Page, 1987]
••••• Nolandida [Smirnov et al., 2011]
••••• Echinamoebida [Cavalier-Smith et al., 2004]
•••• Discosea [Cavalier-Smith et al., 2004]
••••• Flabellinia [Smirnov et al., 2005]
•••••• Dactylopodida [Smirnov et al., 2005]
•••••• Vannellida [Smirnov et al., 2005]
•••••• Himatismenida [Page, 1987]
•••••• Stygamoebida [Smirnov et al., 2011]
•••••• Pellitida [Smirnov et al., 2011]
•••••• Trichosida [Möbius, 1889]
••••• Longamoebia [Smirnov et al., 2011]
•••••• Dermamoebida [Cavalier-Smith, 2004]
•••••• Thecamoebida [Smirnov et al., 2011]
••• Conosa [Cavalier-Smith, 1998]
•••• Variosea [Cavalier-Smith et al., 2004]
••••• Varipodida [Cavalier-Smith et al., 2004]
••••• Phalansteriida [Hibberd, 1983]
••••• Holomastigida [Cavalier-Smith, 1998]
•••• Archamoebae [Cavalier-Smith, 1998]
••••• Mastigamoebida [Cavalier-Smith, 2013]
••••• Pelobiontida [Cavalier-Smith, 2013]
•••• Mycetozoa [de Bary, 1859 ex Rostafinski, 1873]
••••• Dictyostelea [Hawksworth et al., 1983]
•••••• Acytosteliales [Sheikh et al., 2018]
•••••• Dictyosteliales [Olive, 1970]
••••• Ceratiomyxomycetes [Hawksworth et al., 1983]
•••••• Protosporangiida [Adl et al., 2012]
•••••• Ceratiomyxida [Martin, 1961]
••••• Myxomycetes [Link, 1833]
•••••• Lucisporidia [Cavalier-Smith, 2013] [Trichiales, Liceales etc.]
•••••• Columelliidia [Ruggiero et al., 2015] [Echinosteliales, Physarales, Stemonitales etc.]

Rank correlation:
• ~Subdomain
•• ~ Kingdom
••• ~ Subkingdom
•••• ~ Infrakingdom
••••• ~ Superphylum
•••••• ~ Phylum