
Supergroup unites mainly amoeboid heterotrophic (in some cases – Chlorarachnion – having autotrophic eukaryotic symbiont) organisms capable of forming the rhizopodia – long, narrow and often branched pseudopodia. Amoeboid cells can fuse to form plasmodia. All rhizarians are aerobes with mitochondria having tubular cristae. In some groups, at certain stages of the life cycle, the flagellated cells with two unequal smooth anterior flagella may form. The cytostome is absent. The cell can form lorica or skeletal structures penetrating the cytoplasm. In parasitic forms, the cytoskeleton undergoes reduction, and the plasmodia of such forms resemble the vegetative body of some fungi. The sexual process is expressed in many groups. Rhizaria include many soil amoebae as well as radiolarians and foraminifera living in the Ocean. All these are zoological objects. Of the mycological objects related to rhizaria the group of plasmodiophores can be mentioned.


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• DIAPHORETICKES [Adl et al., 2012]
Unranked clade SAR [Stramenopila-Alveolata-Rhizaria + Telonemia]
•• Rhizaria [Cavalier-Smith, 2002]
•••Gymnosphaerida [Mikrjukov, 2000]
••• Cercozoa [Cavalier-Smith, 1998]
•••• Cercomonadida [Cavalier-Smith et al., 2018]
•••• Paracercomonadida [Cavalier-Smith et al., 2018]
•••• Glissomonadida [Howe et al., 2009]
•••• Viridiraptoridae [Hess, Melkonian, 2013]
•••• Pansomonadidae [Vickerman et al., 2005]
•••• Helkesida [Cavalier-Smith, 2018]
••••Thecofilosea [Cavalier-Smith, Chao, 2003]
•••• Cryomonadida [Cavalier-Smith, 1993]
•••• Ventricleftida [Howe et al., 2011]
•••• Tectofilosida [Cavalier-Smith, Chao, 2003]
•••• Ebriacea [Lemmermann, 1901]
•••• Thaumatomastigidae [Patterson, Zölfell, 1991]
•••• Euglyphida [Copeland, 1956]
••• Metromonadea [Howe et al., 2011]
••• Granofilosea [Howe et al., 2009]
••• Chlorarachnea [Hibberd, Norris, 1984]
••• Endomyxa [Adl et al., 2018]
•••• Vampyrellida [Hess et al., 2012]
•••• Phytomyxea [Engler, Prantl, 1897]
•••••Plasmodiophorida [Cook, 1928]
•••••Phagomyxida [Cavalier-Smith, 1993]
•••• Filoreta [Howe et al., 2009]
•••• Gromiida [Reuss, 1862]
••• Ascetosporea [Howe et al., 2009]
•••• Haplosporida [Caullery, 1953]
•••• Microcytida [Hartikainen et al., 2013]
•••• Paradiniidae [Schiller, 1935]
••• Retaria [Cavalier-Smith, 2002]
•••• Foraminifera [d’Orbigny, 1826]
•••• Acantharea [Haeckel, 1881]
•••• Taxopodida [Fol, 1883]
•••• Polycystinea [Ehrenberg, 1838]
••• Aquavolonida [Bass, Berney 2018]
••• Tremulida [Howe et al., 2011]

Rank correlation:
• ~Subdomain
•• ~ Kingdom
••• ~ Phylum
••••~ Class